Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/389

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CORRESPONDENCE 371 the great scarcity of laborers and the pressing calls from the churches and destitute places where important Baptist interests might be built up if we had the laborers. Yours, EZRA FISHER. Received Nov. 10. Oregon City, O. Ter., Oct. 1st, 1854. To Rev. Benjamin M. Hill, Cor. Sec. of Am. Bap. Homje Mission Soc. Dear Brother : Herein I send you my report of labor under the appointment of the Home Mission Society as Exploring Agent for the 2d quarter ending September 30th, 1854. I have visited the La Creole Church in Polk County, ten miles west of Salem, Santiam Church, Lynn Co., 35 miles south of Salem, and Yamhill Church, 7 miles west of La- fayette, seat of justice for Yam Hill County and 40 miles southwest from Oregon City. Traveled 205 miles to and from my appointmlents. Have labored 13 weeks during the quarter. Have collected $5.50, it being a collection taken up in the Oregon City Church on the first Sabbath in July. Paid for traveling expenses $1.50; for postage $.25. Preached 30 ser- mons. Have attended three yearly meetings in the above- named churches, all of which were blessed with more than usual manifestations of Divine favor. Respectfully submitted, EZRA FISHER, Exploring Agent.

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P. S. I have made out this report on the 26th of Sept. on account of my leaving tomorrow for a yearly meeting on the Calapooia River with the Pleasant Butte Church, 351 Lynn County, 42 miles south of Salem. Yours, EZRA FISHER. 351 The Pleasant Butte Church, Linn County, was organized NOT. 16, 1853, by Rev. G. C. Chandler and others. Mattoon, Bap. An. of Or*., I:io.