Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/93

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News and Comment

had a larger personal following, probably, than anybody else in political life in this commonwealth. Mr. Cotton was a foremost lawyer of Oregon, a kindly and lovable man, and his passing is deeply regretted. He died at Los Angeles March 13, 1918. His residence in Oregon began in 1889. His native state was Iowa, where he was born in 1859. Mr. Cotton's eminence in his profession and in the railroal world never barred him from the approach of deserving persons, or caused him to overlook the little acts of kindness which men and women and children admire and carry in their hearts.

Mr. Burns died February 19. He was a resident of Portland since 1880, in which year he came from Scotland. He engaged in the grocery business and was highly esteemed. He represented Multnomah County in the Legislature.

Theodore Burvey Wilcox came to Portland forty-one years ago, as a bank clerk, and, in a few years, became a very valuable asset of the Ladd and Tilton Bank, and assistant to William S. Ladd. His organizing and enterprising talents brought him into the flour milling business, and he made it one of the leading industries of Portland, both in production and commerce. Production of wheat and trade and transportation of this cereal, and the manufacture of flour have been activities vital to the whole Northwest country. Mr. Wilcox may be considered the most active figure in the progress of this great industry. His importance is not a posthumous realization; it won him the attention of his fellow citizens many years before his death. His is one of the big names of the Northwest.


Many pioneers have yielded to the final summons this year. Those who have passed out since the year began have been recorded in the lists of the Oregon Historical Society as follows:

Aiken, Andrew G., b. Pa., 1837; 1853; d. Dec. 31, 1917.
Baltimore, David C., b. Ind., 1849; 1853; d. Tan. 9, 1918.
Bolton, Mrs. Oliva, b. Va., 1831; 1852; d. Feb. 19. 1918.