Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 2.djvu/12

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428 TOPICAL INDEX. DOCUMENTARY- PAGE. Material from New Orleans Picayune, Januarys, 1843, to April 27, 1844. It relates to (a) progress on Oregon Questiou in Congress; (6) Ore- gon immigration ; (c) settlement in the Willamette Valley 186-203 E EPIDEMIC AMONG INDIANS 39- 40 ELECTION- National, 1864 321-322 F FFNTON, W. D.- Political History of Oregon, 1865-1876 321-365 FINANCES OF THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT 371-376 G GAINES, JOHN P. Cadidate for Delegate to Congress 9- 10 GIESY, JACOB, MARTIN, AND CHRISTIAN - Members of the Aurora Community 89- 93 GIBBS, ADDISON C.- Public services of 329 GROVER, LA FAYETTE- Public services of , 343-344 GEER, T. T. Paper of, on " Incidents in the Organization of the Provisional Gov- ernment." : ____366-380 H HINMAN, ALANSON- Rerniniscences of 266-286 Recollections of Dr. Whitman 268-283 HENDERSON, JAMES H. D.- Congressman from Oregon 329-329 HARDING, BENJAMIN F. Public service of 339-340 I INDIANS Customs of the Northwest Coast 255-262 INDIAN WAR Modoc ,_ 364-365 J JUDICIAL DISTRICTS-