Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 2.djvu/16

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432 TOPICAL INDEX. SHERMAN, GEN. WILLIAM T. PAWK. Invitation to 357. .#58 T TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT IN 1853 Officials of. , 3, 9, 13 TRIP ACROSS PLAINS By Aurora colony 80. 82 u UNIVERS1TY- Located at Jacksonville 8 UNION STATE CONVENTION _.29.30, 32 V VALUATION- Assessed, 1864 324 w WILLIAMS, GEO. H.- Paper of, on political history 1_ 35 Appointment of, as Chief Justice 2 Decides case freeing slave 5_ 6 Reappointment as Chief Justice 15 Address on slavery in Oregon 116 Campaigns forJUnited States Senatorship ._ 22_ 23 Estimate of 324.325 WHIGS Carry Washington County, including Portland 9 WILLAPA- First station of Aurora Community 82. 83 WHITMAN, DR. MARCUS Hinman's recollections of 268-283 (Points covered: (a) Whitman's aid to pioneers; (6) relations with Catholics ; (c) relations with Indians.) WILSON, JOSEPH G.- Careerof- 337.338 WOLF MEETING- Report of resolutions of 368-369 Y YOUNG, F. G.- Suggestion of, for Congress of Commerce and Industry 204.008 YOUNG, EWING- Act disposing of the proceeds of the estate of ..370-371