Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 2.djvu/205

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[From the Picayune, February 19, 1843.]


A public meeting was called in Cincinnati for the evening of the thirteenth, to take into consideration the propriety of an immediate occupation of the Oregon territory.

[From the Picayune of Tuesday, March 16, 1843.]

The bill for the occupation and settlement of the Oregon Territory failed to pass the house on the third instant.

[From the Picayune of Saturday, June 3, 1843.]


We have received from Cincinnati a circular in relation to the occupation of the Oregon territory, which we deem so important as being expressive of the views of the West on the subject that we give it entire:


Cincinnati, May 22, 1843.

Dear Sir: It having been determined to hold a convention at this place on the third, fourth, and fifth days of July next, to urge upon congress the immediate occupation of the Oregon territory by the arms and laws of the Republic, and to adopt such measures as may seem most conducive to its immediate and effectual occupation, whether the government acts or not in the matter; we most respectfully request your attendance at the convention or such an expression of your views on the subject as you may deem most expedient.

It will be proposed to base the action of the convention on Mr. Monroe's declaration of 1823, "that the American continents are not to be considered subject to colonization by any European powers," and that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their systems to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.

Believing that such will be the surest course for the interest and honor of the Republic, and the greatness, peace, and safety of the West, we hope for your attendance or at least your concurrence in the objects of the convention, and the surest means for their attainment.

Very respectfully,

T. Worthington,
D. T. Disney,
W. B. Hubbard,
W. Parry,
E. D. Mansfield,
S. Medary,
P. H. Olmstead,
William Burke,
Thomas McGuire,
N. B. Kelly,
Jacob Flinn,
Joseph Leiby,

Oregon General Committee of Ohio.