Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 2.djvu/307

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Items from the Nez Perces.

like telescope,—see long way,—but no see Coyote yet. Coyote calls out again, 'Wako keape-wast-komahliksit, Iltswowich,' and shake just one stalk of grass (looks no larger than one stalk of grass).

"Then Iltswowich he see and recognize Coyote. He say, 'Ungh, ungh, wy-ya iin neshawyam weapstsim? Is that you, Strong-Medicine Coyote? "Coyote just call out again, 'Wako keape-wast-ko-mahliksit;' but Iltswowich want to talk—make friends; he afraid now. He think Coyote mean mischief. So he call him big medicine; but Coyote just keep on making challenge, 'Wako kea,' etc.

"But by and by Iltswowich (thinking probably to test the actual strength of the Coyote's medicine) he say, 'All right, but you try first.' Coyote, he say, 'No, you first;' but Iltswowich he think maybe he get out of the test of strength, so he not try.

"Then Coyote, he try first; he drew in breath hard, so-s-o-o-oo-p, and Iltswowich moved towards him one step. This first time anything like that happen to Iltswowich, so he surprised; 'Ungh, ungh, Coyote big medicine; now I try,' he say. Iltswowich try 's-o-o-oo-p;' he drew his breath, and for one hundred miles around every living thing fly toward him just like big wind; but Coyote not go; his rope hold him. Then Iltswowich try again 's-o-o-oo-p;' all same; can't move Coyote. Then Iltswowich 'fraid; "ungh, ungh, ungh, Coyote big chief, big medicine,' he say.

"Well, Coyote he come down from mountain and cross by Seven Devils, (in Snake River country,) and cross to Salmon River country. All time when he come to high place where he can see Iltswowich he make challenge, but Iltswowich not answer back; he sullen now; he think pretty soon something going to happen.

"When Coyote come this side of Salmon River he cut