Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 2.djvu/356

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W. D. Fenton.

Thayer in 1878, and served as such until July, 1880, since which time and until his death, June 16, 1899, he has lived in retirement in Lane County on his large farm, devoting himself to agriculture and stock raising. He was a profound student of men, of keen intuition, careful in promise, strict in performance, and exact in plan. He is regarded as one of the big four that had a controlling influence in the politics of Oregon at the organization of the state government.

Henry W. Corbett was elected United States Senator to succeed Senator Nesmith; took office March 4, 1867, and served until March 3, 1873. Mr. Corbett was born in Westboro, Massachusetts, February 18, 1827, and came to Oregon by way of Panama in 1850, locating at Portland, where he has been continuously engaged in business as a successful banker and man of affairs. After a prolonged contest in the legislative assembly in 1866 between Mr. Mitchell and Governor Gibbs, who were the rival candidates, Mr. Corbett was chosen as United States Senator. Gibbs at the time was the republican caucus nominee over John H. Mitchell, the two men having almost an equal number of votes in the caucus. The majority upon joint ballot in favor of the republicans was small. Dr. J. R. Bayley and John White, and some others, who were ardent friends of Mitchell, refused to abide by the action of the caucus, and withheld their votes from Governor Gibbs, thereby rendering his election impossible. Senator Corbett was chosen as a compromise candidate. In 1869 Mr. Corbett became interested with Henry Failing in the purchase and management of the First National Bank of Portland, which has since become the greatest financial institution in the Northwest, and of which at this time, Mr. Corbett, since the death of Mr. Failing, is the actual and controlling head. Senator Corbett was a member of the committee on finance, and took a leading