Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 24.djvu/108

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92 Charles Henry Carey except H. Campbell. In the afternoon we went into the fields and sold the growing crops, growing under the management of the Manual Labor School. Oats $4.00 per acre, seventeen acres $68.00; 3 acres of peas $12.25 per acre $36.75; potatoes 2% acres, total $19.12i/ 2 ; twelve acres of wheat total $180.00. By this sale we get rid of the harvest and I am well satisfied, lose nothing and save ourselves from considerable trouble. Thurs. 27. Today we sell our mills to Mr. Force, 12 giving him our title to two sections of land connected with said mills, with the fixtures belonging to said mills. Also one wagon, one cart, 2 saws, 6 log chains, mill hogs, a steer or steers belonging to the mill, and bolting cloth sufficient for a bolt ; he gives up our liabilities for repairs, he having taken these mills on shares heretofore, and also allows Mr Judson his privileges as formerly leased to said Judson. Mr Force pays for the mills $6000 with interest annu- ally at six per cent. Payments annually $500. These mills have cost the mission no telling how much. For breakage, damage, repairs, &c, it is supposed that on an average every day they run from eight to ten dollars. I am well pleased with the sale. Before the papers were executed, Mr Force sells to L. H. Judson 13 and William H. Wilson [Willson]. They are the debtors to the Mis- sion. In the afternoon we sell to H. Campbell the fol- lowing stock: 12 James and John Force were immigrants with Dr. White's party, October, 1842. 13 Judson, Willson and Campbell were members of the Methodist Mission. They were cabinet makers and carpenters.