Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 24.djvu/480

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Index confiscation of his furs, 21-2; secures passports from Washington for protec- tion against another possible confisca- tion, 22; sends trapping party to Colorado, 1828, 22; Young's first ex- pedition to California, 1829-30, 22-7; incidents in his operations in Califor- nia, 24-7; leads trapping party to California, 1831, 29-30; after assist- ing Jackson with his mules on his wav to New Mexico, takes up otter and beaver hunt in California, 31-3; meets Hall J. Kelley, 33; summary of his ac- tivities, 33; question raised as to authenticity of evidence upon which claim to his estate was established, 34-5. z [448]