Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 26.djvu/258

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T. C. Elliott

placed high among others of the early history of the Columbia River.

Ilth-koy-ape is the more appropriate and musical name for this beautiful and romantic part of this magnificent river, but the French-Canadian voyageurs and servants came to terms there Falls LaChaudiere, in recollection of similar formations in the rocks of the falls on the Ottawa River, and that name came in turn to be translated into its English meaning. The first line of direct communication, trade and travel across the continent of North America (Mexico excepted) passed up and down the Columbia River and for a period of thirty years and more was used as such, with the portage at Kettle Falls affording one of the most important supply and resting stations. We do well to honor the career and name of the man who discovered, explored, made known and opened this highway of communication, David Thompson, who loved his work and did it well, and who is proclaimed by Mr. Tyrrell as the greatest land geographer the British race has ever produced.