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M. C. George

lican, organized in September by electing Sol Hirsch as president of the senate and Z. F. Moody as speaker of the house.

The following were elected circuit judges: First district, H. K. Hanna; second district, J. F. Watson; third district, R. P. Boise; fourth district, Raleigh Stott; fifth district, L. L. Me Arthur.

Also the following district attorneys: First district, T. B. Kent; second district, J. W. Hamilton; third district, W. G. Piper; fourth district, John F. Caples; fifth district, D. W. Bailey.

At the fall election the Garfield and Arthur presidential electors, to wit, George B. Currey, C. B. Watson, and E. L. Applegate, beat the Hancock and English electors about six hundred and seventy-one votes in the state.

In 1882 neither of the state political platforms had any especially notable features.

At the June election M. C. George, republican, was re-elected representative in congress, receiving a majority of three thousand three hundred and sixty-five votes over William D. Fenton, democrat. The state officers elected were: Governor, Z. F. Moody, republican; secretary of state, R. P. Earhart, republican (re-elected); state treasurer, Edward Hirsch, republican (re-elected); state printer, W. H. Byars, republican; superintendent of public instruction, E. B. McElroy; supreme judge, William P. Lord (re-elected). R. S. Bean was elected circuit judge in the second district, and the district attorneys were as follows: First district, T. B. Kent; second district, E. G. Hursh; third district, W. H. Holmes; fourth district, John F. Caples; fifth district, T. C . Hyde. The legislature chosen in 1882 was republican, and organized by electing W. J. McConnell President of the Senate, and George W. McBride Speaker of the House. J. N. Dolph