Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 3.djvu/237

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Sheep Husbandry.

of annual fleece yield from these sheep to me small compared to the Field's stock I had been breeding for ten years with comparative success, so I turned to history for light, as to the value of the breed for wool production. By this means I was broadened out much as a man and very ready in November of the same year to entertain the offer of Joseph Holman to sell me at cost the undivided half of ten head .of thoroughbred Merino sheep for $512, consisting of one French Merino ram and one ewe of the same blood, 2 ewes of Spanish Merino type as improved by Vermont breeders, and 6 ewes, part of the descendants from the Macarthur's Australian Merinos, brought to Oregon by Martin Jesse as herein related. Messrs. J. L. Parrish and Joseph Holman were the first purchasers of ewes from both the Martin Jesse importation of Macarthur's Australian Merinos and of the Jones & Rockwell importation from Vermont. The following are copies of my agreement with Mr. Holman and of the certificates which came into my possession thereby. I interbred to American Merinos all the Australian ewes of the Holman and Parrish purchase for two years after coming into ownership of the certificates:

SALEM, Marion County, Oregon, Nov. 29, 1860.

Be it known to all men, that we, Joseph Holman and John Minto, have this day become joint owners of a lot of ten head of Merino sheep, consisting of one ram and nine ewes; and that we agree to remain joint owners of the same until November the 29th, 1864, under the following agreement, to wit: The sheep are to be left in the care of said John Minto, who, on his part, agrees to take care of the same according to his best skill and judgment, to keep a correct account of all sales made from said sheep or their increase, and pay to said Holman one half of the amount of such sales.

The said Joseph Holman on his part agrees to pay said Minto at the rate of $10 per head per annum for keeping his half of said sheep and their increase after they are one year old; provided, that if said sheep shall yield more than twenty-five per cent profit, he shall pay said Minto at the rate of $12 per head.

Joseph Holman.
John Minto.