Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 3.djvu/386

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F. G. Young.
  1. Governor Curry, submitting a report of the disbursements and the condition of the fund appropriated by Congress for the erection of public buildings. Report of Select Committee on the report of the State House Commissioners. Report on the burning of the city jail of Portland by Oregon convicts confined therein. Report of Minority of Committee on Relief of Addison Flint for viewing and locating the Territorial Road from Corvallis to Winchester.
  2. Special laws passed by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon at the sixth regular session thereof, begun and held at Salem December 4, 1854. Corvallis, Oregon: 1855.
  3. Journal of the Council of the Territory of Oregon during the sixth regular session of the Legislative Assembly, begun and held at Salem, December 4, 1855.
    Appendix: Treasurer's Report. Correspondence relating to the massacre of immigrants by the Snake River Indians in August, 1851. Report of Auditor of Public Accounts. Report of University Land Commissioner. Report on bill to legalize the marriage of John C. Carey and Sarah Carey. Report of State House Commissioners. Report of Willamette Falls Canal, Milling and Transportation Company. Report of Commissioners to erect Territorial University. Report of Commissioners to erect Penitentiary. Message of Governor Curry relating to plans by which perpetrators of massacre of immigrants near Fort Boise might be brought to justice; submitting also correspondence of military officials. Memorial of Territorial Printer, relating to the shipment of one thousand copies of Oregon documents from New York. Report of State House Commissioners. Report of Joint Committee against State House Commissioners. Message of Governor Curry in relation to the investigation of the expenditure of the penitentiary fund, submitting papers. Report of joint committee on message of Governor, relating to massacre of immigrants by the Snake River Indians. Message of the Governor, submitting the report of the disbursements and condition of the fund appropriated by congress for the erection of public buildings. Message by Governor Curry, relating to the recommendation of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs in regard to the law prohibiting the sale of arms and ammunition to the Indians.
  4. Reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Oregon during the years 1853-54. Judges: George H. Williams, Chief Justice; Cyrus Olney, Obadiah B. McFadden, M. P. Deady, Associate Justices. Corvallis, Oregon: 1855.
  5. Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Oregon, at the December term, 1851. Judges: George H. Williams, Chief Justice; Cyrus Olney, M. P. Deady Associate Justices. Corvallis, Oregon: 1855.

Supreme Court Reports, 1855-56:

  1. Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon rendered at the June and December terms, 1855, and June term, 1856. Judges; George H. Williams, Chief Justice; Cyrus Olney, M. P. Deady, Associate Justices. Salem, Oregon: 1856.
  2. Bound in the same volume: Journal of the House of Representatives of the Territory of Oregon, during the seventh regular session, from December 3, 1855, to January 31, 1856. Salem, Oregon: 1856.
    Appendix: Rules of the House. Correspondence relating to the location and erection of capitol building. Report of the Commissioners to erect Penitentiary. Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts. Message of Governor Curry, and correspondence relating to the suppression of Indian hostilities. Report of the disbursements and condition of the fund appropriated by Congress for the erection of public buildings. Report of the University Land Commissioner. Report of Quartermaster of the Department of Oregon Territory, of Adjutant General and Surgeon in Chief of the Medical Department, of Commissary General. Memorial to the President of the United States complaining of the course of General Wool