Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 3.djvu/390

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F. G. Young.

Journals and Local Laws of Oregon, 1862:

  1. Same as (b) next above.
  2. Same as (c) above.
  3. Same as (a) of the "Senate and House Journal, 1862."

House and Senate Journal, 1864:

  1. Journal of the proceedings of the House of the legislative assembly of Oregon for the third regular session, 1864.
    Appendix: Governor's Message. Abstract of reports of county school superintendents. Doctors Glisan and Wilson's report as visiting and inspecting physicians of the Oregon Insane Asylum. Petition for the extension of the contract with Doctors Hawthorne and Loryea. Biennial Report of the Physicians of the Oregon Hospital for the Insane. Names of persons pardoned. Penitentiary Report. Secretary's Report. Report of State Treasurer. Report of Adj utant General. Abstract of Description Book of the First Cavalry Regiment Oregon Volunteers. Librarian's Report. Railroad Report. Special Message relating to the locating of the State's Public Lands. Mrs.Thornton's letter presenting tomahawk.
  2. Journal of the proceedings of the Senate of the legislative assembly of Oregon for the session of 1864. Salem, Oregon: 1864.
  3. Special Laws of the State of Oregon enacted during the third regular session of the legislative assembly, begun September 12, and concluded October 22, 1864.
  4. Memorials and Joint Resolutions.

House and Senate Journals, 1864:

  1. Same as (b), (c), and (d) next above.
  2. Same as (a) next above.

House and Senate Journals, 1864-65:

  1. Same as (c) next above.
  2. The Senate Journal during the special session, begun and held December, 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1866.
  3. Special Laws, Resolutions.
  4. The Journal of the House during the special session begun and held December, 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1866.
  5. Report of the Adj utant General of the State of Oregon for 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1865.
  6. Message of Governor Addison C. Gibbs, to the legislative assembly, and accompanying documents for the special session, December 5, 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1865.
  7. Report of the Penitentiary Commissioners for the quarter ending May 31, 1865. Salem, Oregon: 1865.
  8. Report of the Secretary of State.
  9. Report of the State Printer.

House and Senate Journal, 1865:

  1. Same as (d) to (i), inclusive, next above.
  2. and (c) Same as (b) and (c) next above.

Messages and Documents, 1865:

  1. Report of the Secretary of State, September, 1866.
  2. Report of the State Treasurer, September, 1866.
  3. Report of the Commissioners of the University and Common School Fund.