Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 3.djvu/448

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438 TOPICAL INDEX. ASTORIA - PAGE Fort established at 9 ASTORIA, OREGON - The Educational History of. (Alfred A. Cleveland) 21 ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR OREGON - Office of, created 117 ATKINSON, DR. G. H - Founder Tualatin Academy 287 AUSTRALIA Shores outlined 4 AUSTIN, R. D.- Bought Oregon Weekly Times 862 AYERS, THOMAS 236 B BAGLEY, REV. DANIEL 300 BAILEY, D. W.- Elected district attorney 112 BAILEY, CAPTAIN 332 BAKER, FLORENCE E 394 BAKER, W. W 364 BAKER, FRANK C. Elected state printer 114,117 BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND COMPANY 241 BALDWIN, DR 242 BALL, JOHN Early career i 82 First school in Oregon 100 First mention of sheep in Oregon 219 BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE 433 BARLOW ROAD, The History of. (Mary Barlow) 71 BARLOW ROAD- Charter for granted 79 Description of 79 Made toll road 80 Made a free road 80 Rechartered and made a toll road 80 BARLOW, SAMUEL KIMBROUGH 71,72,73,78,79,80, 81 BARLOW, SUSANA LEE 72 BARLOW, MARY- History of the Barlow Road 71 BARLOW PARTY, THE - Personnel of 72