Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 4.djvu/131

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The Great West.

Total farm values. The Union. The West. Per cent in West.
1900 $20,514,001,838 $9,155,558,744 44.1
1890 15,982,267,689 5,872,085,782 36.7
1850 3,967,343,580 276,464,837 6.9
Value of farm products.
1900 4,739,118,752 2,050,766,616 43.2
1890 2,460,197,454 920,823,920 37.4
1870[121-1 1] 2,447,538,658 499,092,093 20.3

  1. Not reported by United States census prior to 1870. Values for this year in depreciated currency. To get true value, reduce one fifth.

Productions in quantity of principal crops in the West in 1890 and 1850 and percentages of the total for those years are thus shown:

Product. Yield, 1900. Yield, 1850. Per cent of total, 1900. Per cent of total, 1850.
Wheat, bushels 431,963,900 5,288,868 65.5 5.2
Corn, bushels 1,363,983,943 70,467,713 51.1 11.9
Barley, bushels 93,767,657 47,709 78.2 .92
Buckwheat, bushels 312,456 77,341 2.7 .86
Oats, bushels 454,460,412 7,849,962 48.1 5.3
Rye, bushels 7,705,068 76,255 30.1 .53
Total grain, bushels 2,352,193,536 83,807,848 53.1 9.6
United States, bushels 4,424,800,923 867,453,967 —— ——
Butter[121-2 1], pounds 390,810,814 15,184,444 36.4 4.8
Cheese,[121-2 1] pounds 7,609,331 614,732 46.4 .58
Wool, pounds 193,516,806 2,500,885 69.8 4.7
Flax seed, bushels 19,791,647 16,010 99.0 .28
Hay, tons 44,799,194 253,297 53.3 1.8
Potatoes, bushels 87,288,453 1,764,969 31.9 2.6
Hops, pounds 31,673,821 12,719 64.3 7.1

  1. 1.0 1.1 Made on farms only.

The West leads the East in flocks and herds, viz:

The Union— The West—
1900. 1850. 1900. 1850.
Dairy cows 17,139,674 6,385,094 7,011,333 722,221
Other meat cattle 50,682,662 11,393,813 35,585,356 1,756,059
Mules and asses 3,366,724 559,331 1,655,654 122,371
Horses 18,280,007 4,336,719 10,063,260 528,459
Sheep 39,937,573 21,723,220 26,940,389 1,628,159
Lambs 21,668,238 —— 13,632,117 ——
Swine 62,876,108 30,354,213 32,274,381 4,193,895
Total 213,950,986 74,752,390 127,162,490 8,951,164
Per cent 59.4 11.9