Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 4.djvu/423

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Abbott, Captain, 237.
Abbott, L. G., 365.
Abrams, W. P., 60.
Abrams, C., 63.
Academy, Bishop Scott's, opened, 66.
Academy, St. Mary's, opened, 66.
Adair, Col. John, first collector customs at Astoria, 134, 135.
Adams, Henry, wrote history of United States, 7.
Adams, Emma H., 342.
Adams, W. L., 365.
Affleck & Gunn, publishers of Puget Sound Courier, 372.
Agriculture in United States, table of, 118.
Agriculture, 118-122; values, table of, 121.
Aiken, ——, 139.
Albert, Mrs. John H., 394.
Allen, Capt. B. F., wounded, 234.
Allen and Lewis, 197.
Allen, ——, 353.
Allen, George T., 265.
"All Over Oregon and Washington"; purpose of, 317.
Alta California, The, 376.
Alvarez, ——, consul at Santa Fé, 272.
Alvarado, Governor of California under Mexican rule, 311.
Alvord, General, 105.
Anderson, E. K., 229.
Angne [Augur?], Captain, 237.
Ankeny, Captain, 196.
American Antiquarian Society, 309.
Applegate, Jesse, 106, 390.
Argonaut, The San Francisco, 292.
Argus, The Puget Sound, 373.
Armstrong, Pleasant, 234.
Arundel, Harcourt T., employed by Bancroft, 303.
Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Company, 146.
Astoria and Willamette Barge Company, 136.
Astoria, Social and Economic History of, by Alfred A. Cleveland, 130.
Astor, John Jacob, 8, 9, 131.
Astorian, The, 28, 29, 30, 138; quotation from, 141, 142, 143.
Atkinson, John, 365.
"Atlantis Arisen," revision of "All Over Oregon and Washington," 317.
Augur, General, 105.
Babcock, Doctor, supreme judge of Oregon Territory, 285.
Badollet, and Company, 140.
Bagley, Clarence B., pioneer papers of Puget Sound, 365, 371, 377, 378, 379; business manager Courier, 381; owner and publisher Echo, 382.
Ball, John, teacher, 265.
Bailey, Doctor, 230; governor Oregon Territory, 1845, 285.
Bailey, W. E., purchased the Press, 383; purchased the Times, 384.
Baker, Colonel E. D., candidate for United States senator, 72, 93; elected United States senator, 94, 99; mustered into service, 101; reply to Breckinridge, 102; death of, 103.
Baker, Florence E., 84.
Baker and Boyer, 195.
Baker, D. S. & Company, 195.
Baker, Dr. D. S., the pioneer railroad builder, sketch of life, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200.
Baker Mills, The, 217.
Baltimore, J. M., 365.
Bancroft Pacific States Publications: The origin and authorship of, A History of A History, by William Alfred Morris, 289.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe, "The Macaulay of the West," 292; a sketch of early life and of growth of history project, 296; first venture as a literary man, 301; fame as historical writer, 310; method of collecting material, 324; three leading objects kept in mind in preparation of histories, 328; plan for works, 335; not a great American historical writer, 337; errors in works, 358.
Bancroft, H. H. & Company, firm of, organized, 297.
Bancroft's histories, vastness of the enterprise, 289; not all his own work, 291; parts written by assistants, 330.
Barclay, Mrs. Dr., 264.
Barclay, Doctor, 265.
Barnes, Mary Sheldon, 362.
Barnes, Edward, 230.
Barron, Major, 229.
Bates, Alfred, employed by Bancroft, 325, 363; sketch of life, 331.
Bausman, W., and Company, printers, of Northern Light, 372.
Beacon, The, 382.
Berry, A. M., first printer on the Oregonian, 370.
Berry, Pamelia Ann, 249.
Bent, Charles, 272.
Benton, Senator, 91, 157.
Bewley, F. M., 390.
Black, Capt. H. M., 99.
Blair, J. I., 248.
Besserer, Charles, 365.
Bidwell, Major, 222, 223.
"Blue Book, The Big," name for Iowa code of laws, 188.
"Blue Book, The Little," 188.
Bigelow, Daniel R., elected commissioner to draft code of laws for Oregon, 190, 191, 192.
Bernie, James, 132, 265.
Blakeley, James, 74.