HK< (i i K< rioNs <>i AN OLD PIONEER. 157 brought as nuniy squashes as his long arms and big hands could carry, put them into the wagon, and were off. I drove tin- team and he rode his horse. On the way Meek rode ahead of inc. and overtook Mr. I'onieroy. roin<r to Oregon ( 1 ity with a wagon loaded with fresh beef. Meek, in a good-humored, bantering way, said: "l' roy. I have an execution against you. and I can not let you take that licet' out of this county." I'omeroy. with equal good-humor, replied: "Meek, it is a hard case to stop a man on the way to market, when- he can sell his beef, and '_:<) the money to pay his debts." "Well," said Meek, "it docs look a little hard, hut I propose a compromise. Bur- nett and I will have nothing to eat to-night but bread and squashes. Now, if you will let us have beef enough for sup- per and breakfast. I will let you off." Pomeroy laughed and told Meek to help himself. When we encamped, about sun- down, some eight miles from the city. Meek did help himself to some choice ribs of beef, and we had a feast. I had had nothing to cat since the morning of that day but bread, and I was hungry after my hard drive. I roasted the squashes and Meek the beef, and we had a splendid supper. I found this beef almost equal to buffalo-meat. We both ate too much, and Meek complained that his supper had given him "the rotten l>elches." I have already mentioned the name of .fudge 0. Russell tie of the Rocky Mountain men. He is a native of tin- state nf Maine, and came to the mountains when a young man, in pill-suit of health. All his comrades agreed !hat he never lust his virtuous habits, but always remained true to his prin- ciples. He was never married, lie was at one time one of the executive committee of uur Provisional (Jovermiient in Oregon, ami must faithfully did he perform his duty. He is a man of education and of refined feelings. After the dis- covery of u'old he came to the mines, and has been criLML'cd m mining in Kl Dorado County, California, ever since. When in Oregon | ( ,. as occasionally a -u.-st at my house, and would for hours entertain us with descriptions of moiiu-
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