RECOLLECTIONS OF AN OLD PIONEER. 165 quick. ;m<l efficient. an<l well adapted to existing circum- staii' By an act passed .June 1*7. 1S44. the executive power was vi-sted in ;i single pel-son, to he elected at the then next annual election by flic people, and at the annual election to be held every two years thereafter, to hold his office for the term of two years, and receive an annual salary of $800. By the sa act the judicial power was vested in the circuit courts, and in the justices of the peace; and the act provided that one judire should he elected by the qualified voters at the annual election, who should hold his office for one year, and whose duty it was to hold two terms of the circuit court in each county every year; and for his services he should re- ceive an annual salary of $500. and also legal fees for pro- hate business. By the same act the legislative power was vested in a house of representatives, composed of members elected annually by the people. The first section of the third article of the same act was as follows: . . Section 1. All the statute laws of Iowa Territory passed at the h'rst session of the legislative assembly of said Terri-* tory. and not of a local character, and not incompatible with the condition and circumstances of this country, shall be the law of this government, unless otherwise modified; and the cumim 'ii law of Knirland and principles of equity, not modi- fied by the statutes of Iowa or of this government, and not incompatible with its principles, shall constitute a part of the law of this land. Article V was in these words: Section 1. All officers shall be elected by the people once a vear. unless otherwise provided, at a general election to be held in cadi county on the first Tuesday in June in each year. at such places as shall l>e designated by the judge of the cir- cuit court. Sec. _>. As many justices uf the peace and constables shall be elected fnnn time to tin;- as shall be deemed necessary by the circuit court of each county. The seventh article fixed the time of holding the terms of the circuit courts in the several counties, and gave the judge
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