RECOLLECTIONS OF AN OLD PIONEER. 167 An act was passed mi .June L'Tth fixing tin- number of mem- bers nl' tlir next House if Representatives ;it 1:{, and appor tioninir the representation amon^r the then five counties (f All ncci'ssary loeal hills were passed, and onr little pov- ennneiit v;is put into practical and successful operation. Havinir adopted the general statutes of Tova and the common lav. we had a provision for every case likely to arise in so small a community. At first the ^reat difficulty was to make our little govern- ment efficient. Our people honestly differed very much in their views as to our rirht to institute L'overnment. In 1843 there were .VJ affirmative and ."><> negative votes. There were so many of our people who were conscientiously opposed to the orranixation of any government that we found it a deli- cate matter to use force against men whose motives we were sure were -rood. Still, irovernment had to be practically en- forced. ph L. Meek was selected in May or July, 1843, for sheriff. He was the very man for the position. He was both as brave and as magnanimous as the lion. Do his duty he would, peacefully if possible, but forcibly if he must. If we had selected a rash or timid man for sheriff, we must have Tailed for a time. To be a <_rovern merit at all, the laws must be enforced. Meek scon had his courage fully tested. A stout carpenter named Dawson was en'_ r a<_red in a fiirht in the winter of IS I:: U and a warrant was at once issued for his arrest, and placed in Meek's hands to be executed. Dawson was no doubt of opinion that we bad no rinht to orjranixe and en- tVree diir '.'ovcriiment. Meek went to Dawson 's shop, where he was at work at his bench with his jack-plane. Meek walked in, and said lauirhinjrly, "Dawson. I came for you." Daw son replied thai Meek had come for the wronir man. Meek. still lanL r hin<;. said airain. "I came f<>r you." and was about to lay his hands on Dawson. when the latter drew hack with bis jack-plane raised to strike. Hut Meek was not only stout.
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