ISO PETER H. BURNETT. Campbell and Purcell ; and, as the Catholic question was often mentioned, and as I knew so little about it, I borrowed and read the book. I had the utmost confidence in the capacity of Mr. Campbell as a debater ; but, while the attentive reading of the debate did not convince me of the entire truth of the Catholic theory, T was greatly astonished to find that so much could be said in its support. On many points, and those of great importance, it was clear to my mind that Mr. Campbell had been overthrown. Still, there were many objections to the Catholic Church, either not noticed by the Bishop, or not satisfactorily answered; and I rose from the reading of that discussion still a Prot- estant. But my thoughts continually recurred to the main positions and arguments on both sides, and, the more I reflected upon the fundamental positions of the Bishop, the more force and power I found them to possess. My own reflections often afforded me answers to difficulties that at first seemed insur- mountable, until the question arose in my mind whether Mr. Campbell had done full justice to his side of the question. Many of his positions seemed so extreme and ill-founded that T could not sanction them. All the prejudices I had, if any, were in his favor; but I knew that it was worse than idle to indulge prejudices when investigating any subject whatever. I was determined to be true to myself, and this could only be in finding the exact truth, and following it when known. My mind was therefore left in a state of restless uncer- tainty; and I determined to examine the question between Catholic and Protestants thoroughly, so far as my limited opportunities and poor abilities would permit. In the prose- cution of this design, I procured all the works on both sides within my reach, and examined them alternately side by side. This investigation occupied all my spare time for about eighteen months. After an impartial and calm investigation, I became fully convinced of the truth of the Catholic theory, and went to ( )ivgon City in June, 1846. to join the old church there. There
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