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Recollections of an Old Pioneer.

I readily admit that circumstances may place a good man in this unpleasant position; but, if so, he should fully comprehend the extreme delicacy of the situation, and should rise with the occasion to the dignity of temperate and impartial history. He should make no appeals to prejudice, and should not. in advance, load down with derisive epithets those he, in his own opinion, is finally compelled to condemn; but should err. if at all, on the side of charity, and not against it.

The great Dr. Samuel Johnson, in speaking of Burnett's "History of his own Times," said: "I do not believe that Burnett intentionally lied; but he was so much prejudiced that he took no pains to find out the truth. He was like a man who resolves to regulate his time by a certain watch, but will not inquire whether the watch is right or not." (Boswell's "Life of Johnson." vol. II., p. 264.)

I think this opinion applicable to Gray's "History." I know he has done myself and the legislative committee of 1844 great injustice; and I have every reason to believe that he has been equally unjust to others.

For example, the historian gives the letter of Mr. McBean, written at Fort Nez Perces, dated November 30, 1847, and addressed to the hoard of managers of the Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Vancouver, and the letters of Mr. Douglas and Mr. Hinman to Governor Abernethy (pages 519, 524 and 530). I will give so much of these last two letters as may be necessary to the point I make:

Fort Vancouver, December 7, 1847.

George Abernethy. Esq.—Sir: Having received intelligence last night (on the 4th), by special express from Walla Walla, of the destruction of the missionary settlement at Wailatpu by the Cayuse Indians of that place, we hasten to communicate the particulars of that dreadful event, one of the most atrocious which darken the annals of Indian crime.

James Douglas.

Fort Vancouver, December 4, 1847.

Mr. George Abernethy—Dear Sir: A Frenchman from Walla Walla arrived at my place on last Saturday, and informed me that he was on his way to Vancouver, and wished