Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/107

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F. G. Young.

THE SOCIETY'S ACTIVITIES. 101 , Archives of the Government of the United States. Guides to. By Claude Halstead Van Tyne and Waldo Gifford Leland. Published by the Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C. 1904, Peace River. A Canoe Voyage from Hudson's Bay to the Pacific by Sir Georg.e Simpson, Governor Hon. Hudson's Bay Co., in 1828. Journal of Archibald McDonald, Chief Factor of H. B. Co., who ac- companied him. Edited, with notes, by Malcolm McLeod, Barrister, etc. Ottawa, 1872. Map of 1832 reproduced, showing route. Pre- sented by Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, Oregon City. Synod of Oregon, minutes of 14th session held at Calvary Presby- terian Church, Portland, Oct. 13-17, 1904. Canadian Archives, by Geo. F. O'Halloran, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, 1903. National Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, 37th Annual Session, Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1903. Oregon Agricultural College, Catalogue of, 1902-1903. Illustrated. Irrigated Lands, Columbia Southern Irrigation Company. Illus- trated leaflet. 1904. Farm, Ranch, and Range in Oregon. By Wallis Nash. 1904. Illus- trated. Horticulture in Oregon, By Henry E. Dosch. 1904. Illustrated. Mineral Resources of Oregon. By J. H. Fisk. 1904. Illustrated. Mitchell, John H. , United States Senator. Answer to charges made against him Jan. 17, 1905, in United States Senate. Souvenir Album, Bohemia Mining District, Oregon. 1904. Illlus- trated. Annual Reports. University of Oregon. 1903-1904. - Department of Fisheries. 1903-1904. - State Biologist. 1903-1904. Illustrated. - Bureau of Labor, first. June 3, 1903, to Sept. 30, 1904. - Board of Horticulture. 1902. Illustrated. Game Warden. 1903-1904. Illustrated. BOOKS. Short History of Oregon, A. Compiled by Sidona V. Johnson. Chicago, 1904. Presented by Miss Johnson. 12mo. Cloth. Illustrated.' 329pp. Revised Ordinances of Portland, Oregon, in force Jan. 2, 1905. Presented by Thomas C. Devlin, Auditor. 8vo. Half leather. 678 pp. South Dakota Historical Collections. Compiled by the State His- torical Society. Vol. 2, 1904. Maps and engravings. Contains His- tory of the Sioux Indians. Cloth. 523 pp. Treasurer State of Oregon, Report of. 1903-1904. 8vo. Cloth. 127 pp. Portland Fire Department, Souvenir of. January, 1905. Presented by Col. Milton Weidler, Secretary of the Fire Committee. 4to. Cloth. Illustrated. 304 pp.