Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/161

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F. G. Young.

POLITICAL BEGINNING OF WASHINGTON. 155 Another new place, still farther north, was also repre- sented, Port Townsend. The full membership was com- posed of the following named men : George N. McConaha, R. J. White, William N. Bell, Luther M. Collins, Arthur A. Denny, Charles C. Terry, David S. Mayhard, John N. Low, C. S. Hathaway, A. Cook, N. Stone, Calvin H. Hale, Edward J. Allen, John R. Jackson, Fred A. Clarke, A. Wylie, Andrew J. Simmons, Michael T. Simmons, Loren B. Hastings, B. C. Armstrong, Sidney S. Ford, W. A. L. McCorkle, N. Ostrander, E. L. Ferrick, Quincy A. Brooks, Henry Miles, E. H. Winslow, G. B. Roberts, L. A. Davis, S. D. Ruddell, A. B. Dillenbaugh, William Plumb, Seth Catlin, Simon Plomondon, G. Drew, H. A. Goldsborough, H. C. Wilson, J. Fowler, H. D. Huntington, A. Crawford, C. F. Porter, Simpson P. Moses, A. F. Scott, and P. W. Crawford. A memorial was adopted asking of Congress creation of the territory of Columbia, the southern and eastern bound- ary suggested being the Columbia River, the northern and western being the 49th parallel and the Pacific Ocean, about 32,000 square miles from the 340,000 then said to be Oregon. Reasons were given why this should be done, and the memorial, signed by all, was sent to Washington City. The Oregon legislature, soon after in session, adopted a memorial of similar purport, and Joseph Lane, then dele- gate in Congress, did what he could to accomplish the de- sired end. The bill was amended so as to make the new territory include a much greater area, and the name was changed from Columbia to Washington. It passed in March and was approved by President Fillmore. Franklin Pierce became President immediately after- wards, and he appointed the first officers. They were Isaac Ingalls Stevens, Governor, and Superintendent of Indian Affairs ; Charles H. Mason, Secretary ; J. Patton Anderson, Marshal; John S. Clendenin, Attorney; Ed-