Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/343

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F. G. Young.

ACCESSIONS. 337 General Order No. 27, Headquarters Adjutant General's office, Portland, February 5, 1856. Statement of Nathan Olney, Indian Agent, relating to the good character of "Red Wolf," Nez Perces Indian chief, dated Dalles, O. T., February 15. 1856. Special Order No. , from Headquarters Adjutant General's office, Dalles, O. T., February 19, 1856. Statement of Col. Thomas R. Cornelius, relating to "Red Wolf," Indian chief, dated February 28, 1856. Statement of R. R. Thompson, Indian Agent, relating to the good character of "Red Wolf," dated Dalles, April 3, 1856. Statement by Mayor G. O. Haller, relating to the good character of "Red Wolf," dated Fort Dalles, April 4, 1856. Statement by Lieut. M. Atkinson, U. S. A., relating to the char- acter of "Red Wolf," dated Fort Henrietta, April 8, 1856. (The town of Echo, Umatilla County, Oregon, now stands where Fort Henrietta was located.) Statement of Christopher Gilson relating to the good character of "Shelihee," a Nez Perces Indian, dated Bismarck, N. D., November 22, 1877. BOOKS. Oregon and California and Other Territories on the North-West Coast of North America, The History of. By Robert Grenhow. Bos- ton : Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1844. Best edition of this valuable early history of Oregon. Presented to the society by D. V. Kuykendall. Mechanic's Repository. Embracing a wide range of subjects com- mon to daily life. By James Pilkington, Philadelphia, 1841. 12 mo, Sheep, 376 pp. Supplement, 116 pp. Illustrated. Brought to Oregon from Connecticut in 1853 by D. L. Riggs. Champoeg and Other Poems. By Elias Eugene Eberhard. 12 mo, 216 pp. Chicago, 1904. Cloth. Blue Book, 1903, The Portland. 16mo, 206 pp. Leather. Spelling Book, Abridged edition of Webster's Elementary. Printed and published by the Oregon Printing Association, Oregon City, 1847. Binding by C. W. Shane. 12mo, 94 pp. Pages 7 and 8 missing. [NOTE. This was the first book printed in the "Oregon Country," so far as known, aside from the small pamphlets issued by the Mission Press, Lapwai, 1839-1845. The writer learned of its publication twenty-five years ago, and began the effort at once to secure it, but did not succeed until September of this year, when this copy was donated to the Society by Cyrus H. Walker, Albany, Oregon. The book was originally the property of Emeline Stewart, who was a student at Forest Grove in early days, and evidently gave it to Abigail B. Walker, now Mrs. Karr, Hoquiam, Wash., a sister of Mr. Walker. George H. Himes.]