Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/375

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F. G. Young.

. THE WINNING OF THE OREGON COUNTRY. 369 But let us not forget to mention the emigration subse- quent to 1844, and particularly some whose names are familiar to all. It is estimated that about two thousand people were added to the territory by this year's influx, among them J. C. Avery, John Waymire, Frederick Way- mire, Stephen Staats, John Durbin, William J. Herrin, Gen. Joel Palmer, John M. Forrest, James Allen, G. H. Baber, J. M. Bacon, Caroline E. Bailey, now Mrs. Dr. J. W. Watts, William G. Buffum, who was 40 years old when he arrived, but whom we of the younger generation knew as a good old man, many years a resident of Amity ; Benja- min F. Burch, now dead, adjutant in the Cayuse war and captain in the Yakima war; he was a member of the con- stitutional convention and of the first state legislature; J. J. Burton, whose donation adjoins North Yamhill. The Cornelius family of Washington County came this year also. There was Amos Harvey, W. Carey Johnson, and Daniel H. Lownsdale. General Palmer came to the Terri- tory this year, but returned for his relatives and family, who came with him in 1847, and with this party came Geer and Grim of Marion, and the Grahams and the Collards and Christopher Taylor. Colonel Taylor lies buried in the Dayton cemetery. General Palmer was quartermaster and commissary general, and served throughout the Cayuse war. James W. Rogers, whose donation lies just southwest of McMinnville, came this year. Mrs. B. F. Hartman, Mrs. J. T. Fouts, Mrs. J. J.Collard,and R. Gantt are enrolled in the pioneer association of Yamhill County as belonging to the emigration of 1845. There are, no doubt, others whose names I have been unable to obtain. It is impossible to give in detail the names of those who came in 1846. The printed report of the proceedings of the Yamhill County Pioneer Associaiion, recorded at the annual meeting June 26, 1896, gives but a partial list of that and subsequent years. Glenn 0. Burnett, the pioneer minister of the