Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/459

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F. G. Young.

ACCESSIONS. 453 Second Annual Report. Washington, 1887. 8vo, Clotoh, 612 pp. Ninth Annual Report, 1893. Building- and Loan Associations. Washington, 1894. 8vo, Cloth, 719 pp. Fish Commission, Annual Report of, 1886. Part XIV. (a) Inquiry Respecting Food Fishes and the Fishing Grounds; (6) Propagation of Food Fishes. Washington, 1889. Maps and illustrations. 8vo, Cloth, 1071 pp. Commercial Relations of United States with Foreign Nations, Sept. 30, 1865. Washington, 1866. 8vo, Cloth, 778 pp. Internal Commerce of the United States, Report on, Dec. 20, 1886. Part II. Washington, 1886. 8vo, Cloth, 738 pp. Maps and charts. Commerce and Navigation of the United States, 1887. Washing- ton, 1887. Part I: Foreign Commerce, Immigration and Tonnage. 8vo, Cloth, 964 pp. Department of Agriculture, Report for 1887. Washington, 1888. Plates and maps. 8vo, Cloth, 724 pp. Fish and Fisheries, Report of Commissioner. 1887. Part XV. Washington, 1891. Plates and maps. 8vo, Cloth, 899 pp. Education, History of Higher, in Rhode Island. Circular No. 18, by William Howe Tolman, Ph.D. Washington, 1894. Engravings. 8vo, Paper (pamphlet), 210 pp. - History of, in Maryland. Circular No. 19, by Bernard C. Steiner, Ph.D. Washington, 1894. Engravings. 8vo, Paper (pamphlet), 331 pp. Congressional Record, Vol. 18, Part II, 49th Congress, 2d session, Jan. 25 to Feb. 21, 1887. Quarto, Paper, pp. 1009-2016. Index to Vol. 14, Parts I-IV, 47th Congress, 2d session. Wash- ington, 1882. Quarto, Paper, 221 pp. - Index to Vol. 16, Parts I-III, 48th Congress, 2d session. Wash- ington. 1885. Quarto, Paper, 260 pp. (Pyjceding sixty-seven volumes donated by W. Carey Johnson, Oregon CHy. ) Stevens, Isaac I. , Message of, as Governor of Washington Territory, to Legislative Assembly, January, 1857, and accompanying documents. (This is an important acquisition, as it gives the official history of the Yakima Indian war of 1855-56.) Donated by . Koontz, Winlock, Wash., 406pp. Official Records of Civil War, 37 volumes. Washington, 1891-93. 8vo, Cloth. - Plates accompanying, Nos. 1 to 175. Washington, 1891-1895. 15xl8i inches. Statistical Atlas of the United States, 1900. Washington, 1903. Quarto, Cloth. American Historical Serials, Want List, July 31, 1905. Washing- ton, 1905. Quarto, Cloth, 24 pp.