Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/461

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F. G. Young.

ACCESSIONS. 455 tory. Dated Washing-ton, D. C., August 14, 1848 ; signed by James K. Polk, President, and countersigned by James Buchanan, Secretary of State. (Parchment.) (Donated by Stephen A. D. Meek, Glencoe, Ore- gon.) Commission of Joseph Lane as governor of Oregon Territory the second time. Issued on March 16, 1853 ; signed by Franklin Pierce, President, and countersigned by Wm. L. Marcy, Secretary of State. (Donated by Rev. Arthur Lane, Jacksonville, a grandson.) Letter from Leander N. Beliew to his wife Mrs. Sarah Beliew, Luckiamute, Polk County, dated "Boggs' River Valley," May 28, 1849, descriptive of his trip thither, and experiences in the California mines. Pioneer Days, Sketch of. By Tolbert Carter, a pioneer of 1846. Typewritten MS. (Letter and sketch presented by J. A. Carter, a son of Mr. Carter and grandson of Mr. Beliew, Wells, Oregon.) RELICS. Cartridge belt worn by W. G. Ritchey, now of Farmington, Wash., in Nez Perce" Indian war of 1877, when Indians were led by Chief Joseph, and United States troops by Gen. O. O. Howard. Purse found by W. G. Ritchey in yard of a miner on Salmon River, Idaho, who was murdered by Nez Perce" Indians at beginning of the war of 1877. (Both articles from W. G.'Ritchey, Farmington.) Cutlas, from the armament of the steamship Great Republic, which belonged to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company and ran from San Francisco to China for a number of years, beginning with 1867. Dur- ing this period the vessel called at Ladrone Islands, occasionally, and it was generally necessary for the crew to be armed when they went ashore. Tbe Great Republic was sold in 1878 to P. B. Cornwall of San Francisco, whereupon he placed her on the San Francisco- Port- land route. She was wrecked on Columbia River bar April 19, 1879, anf the cutlas secured by E. C. Holden, Astoria, who presented it to tht Society. Winchester rifle with which Howard Maupin killed Indian Chief Paulina in the Bannock Indian war in Eastern Oregon and Idaho, in 1878. Knife made out of a file with which James Clark scalped Indian Chief Paulina during the Bannock war of 1878. Both implements passed through a fire in 1902. (Rifle and knife donated by J. W. Robinson, Ashwood.) Spencer carbine and muzzle-loading rifle barrel secured by Doctor Stewart, Goldendale, from Memaloose Island, Columbia River, in 1890.