Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/469

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F. G. Young.

INDEX. 463 Victor, Frances Fuller, ascribes initia- tive in agitation for occupation of Oregon Country to Kelley, '260. Voorhis, Mrs, Julia Clark, in possession of Lewis and Clark material, 48-49. Washington, Activities in History, 411-416; early newspapers and offi- cial records, 411; two historians, 412, 413; State Historical Society, 413, 414 ; State University Historical Society, 414-416. Washington, George, cooler judgment of, in 1792, 3. Washington Territory, The Political Beginning of, 147-158; fur-trading operations in what later became, 147 ; American explorers who visited, 147 ; missionaries who visited, 148 ; early emigrants to, 148-149; early movement for organization, 151-153; resolution for convention to form constitution adopted in 1852, 153; first newspaper published in, 153-154; second conven- tion for organization of, 154-155; first meeting of legislature in, 156, 157. Webster, Daniel, quoted, 376-378. West to West, From the, by Abigail Scott Duniway, reviewed by Joseph Schafer, 98-99. Whitehouse, Joseph, wrote journal, 26. Williams, Rev. D. B., principal of Tuala- tin Academy, 121. Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, oldest living teacher of Tualatin Academy, 121. Wrangel. Baron, Douglas receives two letters from, 302. Young. F. G., author of "The Higher Significance in the Lewis and Clark Exploration, 1-25; reviews "In the Beginning," 228-230; reads paper be- fore historical conference, 313; author of " Functions of the Oregon Histor- ical Society," 403-410.