Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 6.djvu/83

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Journal of David Douglas.

rivers. It had been my intention to accompany Jean Baptiste McKay, one of the hunters, who often visits this district, but he had unfortunately started just previous to my arrival, and knowing nothing of the country myself, I feared it would be impracticable to follow and overtake him. Mr. McLoughlin, however, informs me that a party will be despatched in a few days in that direction, under the superintendence of Mr. A. R. McLeod, who has formerly showed me much civility, and that there will be nothing to prevent my joining him. So favourable an opportunity is not to be lost.

Friday, 15th.—Mr. McLeod set off first, to go by land to McKay's abandoned establishment on the Multnomak, fifty-six miles above its junction with the Columbia: there he will remain till the rest of the party arrive, who will go in a few days.

Saturday, 16th, to Tuesday, 19th.—Employed making preparations for my march. As my gun has quite failed me, I am under the necessity of purchasing another, which only costs 2. The country whither we are bound being unexplored, and totally unknown south of the Umptqua or Arguilar River, each individual is obliged to restrict himself to the least possible quantity of incumbrances, especially as land conveyance increases the difficulty. I packed up six quires of paper and a few other small articles, requisite for what I call my business, and provided myself with a small copper kettle, and a few trifles, with a little tobacco for presents, and to pay my way on my return. All the personal property I shall carry, except what is on my back, consists of a strong linen shirt and a flannel one; but as heavy rains may be expected near the coast, I indulge myself with two blankets and a tent. Mr. McLoughlin has most generously and considerately sent forward, to wait for me on the Multnomak, one of his finest and most powerful horses. It will