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92 ACCESSIONS. Boyhood of Great Men, The. Author unknown. New York: Harper Bros. 12mo, Cloth, 385 pp. Conduct of the War of the Eebellion, Eeport of the Joint Com- mittee on. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1863. 8vo, Cloth, 756 pp. - Part 111863. 512 pp. Port Pillow Massacre and Returned Prisoners. 1864. Illus. 168 pp. Analysis of the Derivative Words of the English Language. By Salem Town, A. M. Third Edition. New York: Harper Bros., 1836. 12mo, Cloth, 164 pp. (Once owned by Gov. Geo. Abernethy, a pioneer of 1840, and Provisional Governor of Oregon, 1845-1849. Contains his autograph. Bought at auction, Portland, May 27, 1880, by W. F. Trimble.) Complete Spanish Course. By Louis Ernst. New York: George E. Lockwood, 1861. 12mo, Cloth, 418 pp. (Contains autograph of W. B. Norman, a Portland business man of 1866-68, who gave it to W. F. Trimble February 28, 1867.) Foreign Systems of Naval Education, Eeport on. By Prof. James Eussell Soley, U. S. N. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1880. 8vo, Cloth, 335 pp. Sanders' Fifth Evader. Eevised Edition. 12mo. Sheep, 454 pp. Mutilated. (Contains stencil of "D. H. Jackson." Bought at auction, Portland, by W. F. Trimble.) Secretary of the Treasury, Eeport of the, for 1871. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1871. 8vo, Cloth, 558 pp. Commissioner of Agriculture, Eeport of, for 1867. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1868. 8vo, Cloth, 510 pp. Commission'er of General Land Office, Eeport of, to the Secretary of the Interior, for the year 1869. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1870. 8vo, Cloth, 406 pp. (Bears autograph of the late Senator and Judge, James K. Kelly, of Oregon; also autograph of W. F. Trimble.) Portland Directory, 1866. 104 pp. S. J. McCormick, Publisher. Also, Appendix, containing city ordinances for 1865. 60 pp. 8vo, Paper sides. - 1874. 270 pp. Appendix, containing city charter. 36 pp. (Portraits of first five Mayors of Portland, viz., Hugh D. O'Bryant,