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94 ACCESSIONS. thorne Vol. I. New York: American Historical Publishing Co., 1893. Illus. 8vo, Half mor. cloth, 709 pp. - Vol. II. 676 pp. Michigan, Annual Eeports of State Board of Health, 1888 to 1902, inclusive. 15 vols. 8vo, Cloth. Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest, 1894. Illus. 8vo, Cloth, 631 pp. Science Eecord for 1876. Illus. Edited by Alfred E. Beach. New York: Munn & Co. 8vo, Cloth. Indian Affairs in the United States, Eeport of Eev. Jedidiah Morse, D. D., to the Secretary of War, as a Eesult of Investigations made in 1820. New Haven: Printed by S. Converse, 1822. 8vo, Calf. (Contains autograph of "John Kennedy," also a portrait of a Pawnee Brave.) Londonderry, N. H., History of. By Eev. Edward L. Parker. Illus. Boston: Perkins and Whipple, 1851. 8vo, Cloth. Oregon Weather Bureau, Second Biennial Eeport. B. S. Pague, Local Forecast Official, Portland. 1893. Salem: Frank C. Baker, State Printer, 1893. 8vo, Cloth, 249 pp. Nebraska Constitutional Convention, Official Eeport of the Debates and Picceedings of, at Lincoln, June 13, 1871. Edited by Addison E. Sheldon, Director of Field Work, Nebraska Historical Society. Vol. XL Neb. His. Soc. Pubs., 1906. 8vo, Cloth, 582 pp. (Portrait of Silas A. Strickland, President of the Convention.) Familiar Science, Guide to. By E. C. Brewer, St. Helen, Isle of Jersey, 1851. 12mo, 558 pp. Lost Trappers, The; A Collection of Interesting Scenes and Events in the Eocky Mountains, together with a short Description of Cali- fornia, also some account of the Fur Trade of the Pacific Coast. By David H. Coyne. Cincinnati: J. A. and U. P. James, 1847. 12mo, Cloth, 255 pp. Atlantic Cable, History of the. By Charles F. Briggs and Augus- tus Maverick. New York: Eudd & Carlton, 1858. Illus. 12mo, Cloth, 255 pp.