Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/178

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170 F. G. YOUNG. Date of report, December 7, 1856 : RECEIPTS. Balance from last report $ 275 08 From general property tax 11,898 39 Trust funds 19286 $ 12,366 28 DISBURSEMENTS. For administration $ 7028(5 For prosecuting attorney 2,168 00 For penitentiary _ . 5,03025 For insane 2,156 96 For internal improvements ._ . 1,268 00 For legislative incidentals 113 50 For miscellaneous 503 25 For trust funds 167 40 Balance $ 606 $ 12,36628 Date of report, December 7, 1857 : RECEIPTS. Balance from last report $ 606 From general property tax 21,800 85 From error of treasurer 120 $ 21,80811 DISBURSEMENTS. For administration $ 2,128 32 For prosecuting attorney 1,891 18 For penitentiary ... . 8,82899 For insane 1,733 06 For internal improvements . 1,99057 For pilot service 503 05 For miscellaneous, 2,63805 Balance 2,117 40 Errors 17 51 $ 21,808 11 Date of report, December 7, 1858: RECEIPTS. Balance from last report $ 2,11740 General property tax _. 20,936 58 $ 23,053 98 DISBURSEMENTS. For administration $ 2,530 51 For prosecuting attorney 2,0(57 19 For penitentiary 10,779 96 For pilot service 25000 For miscellaneous. 2,870 05 Balance 4,55627 $ 23,05398 Date of report, September 12, 1859: RECEIPTS. Balance from last report $ 4,557 15 General property tax 18,311 98 "China tax" 377 54 Rent 30 oo For rock from state house 32 66 $ 23,:}09 33 DISBURSEMENTS. For administration $ 3,807 16 For prosecuting attorney 930 70 For penitentiary 10,011 96 For pilot service. 125 00 For miscellaneous 377 50 For constitutional convention 7,8(58 64 Increased by treasurer's error 39 80 Balance... 11827 $ 23,309 33