Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/298

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D6CUMENTS. Occupation of the Columbia River II. REPORT Of the Select Committee, appointed on the 29th of December last, with instructions to inquire into the expediency of occupying the mouth of the Columbia Biver. April 15, 1824. Read: Ordered that it lie upon the table. The committee to which was referred the resolution, of the 29th day of December last, instructing them to inquire into the expediency of occupying the mouth of the Oregon, or Columbia River, have had the same under consideration, and ask leave further to REPORT : That they have considered the subject referred to them, and are persuaded, that, both in a military and commercial point of view, the occupation of that territory is of great importance to the Republic ; but, as much has been submitted to the House on these points, by former committees, they have now deemed it necessary, only to present a view of the difficulties which would probably present themselves in accomplishing that object, and the manner in which they can be overcome. To obtain information, a letter to this end was addressed to an officer of the army^ whose integrity in the public service, is well known to the House, and whose military knowledge is entitled to the highest respect ; that officer, Brigadier-General Thomas S. Jesup, answered so satisfactorily to the committee, that they have presented the answer, in its entire form, to the House, and adopt it as a part of this report. Quartermaster G'eneral's Office, Washington, April 6, 1824. Sir: In reply to your letter, dated the 30th ultimo, requesting me to communicate "any facts, views, or opinions, which may have pre-