Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/307

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Letter of Dr. John McLoughlin.

and I heartily approve of an organization of the party, and shall cordially support, with my vote, the Democratic ticket for Clackamas County. I shall do this for the double reason of duty to a party whoso principles I cherish, and in the firm belief that the judges of the courts have rightfully nothing to do with the law locating the seat of government, and that the ballot box will be the earliest and safest umpire to dispose of that vexed question. In voting for the ticket of the Democratic county convention of Clackamas, I do not do so in all cases from a choice of the persons on it, but because it is a safe and salutary usage of that party to support the regularly appointed nominees.

In conclusion, I will say that the acts of individuals, nominally Democratic, in the attempt to prostrate my character and take away the accumulations of my long life of industry, I in no way hold the Democratic party responsible for, inasmuch as that party has heretofore never been organized in the Territory, and I am not mistaken in the fact that its noble and elevated doctrines lead to no such practices, but, on the contrary, tends to the promotion of equal and exact justice to all.

Yours, very truly,