Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/332

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324 GEORGE H. HIMES. % A. McCartney, William Mcllree, and Ashby Pearce, were elected to act, in conjunction with the president and vice- president, as the executive committee, and after fixing the date of the first fair for October 10, adjourned until October 18, when it closed up the business of the year, showing that the first fair of the county had been a most successful one. The following is a list of the exhibitors, with the number of premiums awarded to each one: Allphin, William 3 Hughs, G. H 5 Brattain, Jonathan 1 Ketchum, Joel 3 Burkhart, Calvin P 8 Ketchum, Walter 1 Burkhart, L. C 1 Mcllree, Samuel 1 Cline, George 1 Mcllree, William 4 Cox, Anderson 2 Pugh, Asbury 2 Dillon, Mrs. M. C 1 Pugh, J. W 2 Fry, Olney 2 Robinson, Jordan 2 Hackleman, Abraham ... 2 Smith, Abraham 6 Hackleman, Mrs. Elizabeth 1 Smith, Mrs. Eliza Ann. . . 1 Hamilton, Joseph 1 Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth .... 1 Hogue, H. A ,. . 1 Smith, William L 1 Hogue, J. P 1 In connection with this fair it may be mentioned that C. P. Burkhart raised fifty bushels of corn on one acre of ground. The first meeting in Lane County to consider the advisa- bility of holding a county fair was held at "Eugene City" on April 7, 1859, with F. McMurray chairman, and E. E. Haft, secretary. The permanent officers chosen at that time were: Avery A. Smith, president; C. E. Chrisman, Mitchell Wilkins, Isaac R. Moores, and Albert P. Gaines, vice-presi- dents; Stukely Ellsworth, recording secretary; E. E. Haft, corresponding secretary; F. McMurray, treasurer. By the constitution the membership was restricted to "such inhabit- ants of Lane County as shall sign this constitution, pay one dollar, and comply with the by-laws and regulations of the society." At a meeting a few weeks later it was voted to hold the first fair on October 11-12, at Eugene, and provision was made for awarding $80.75 in premiums, to competitors in twelve different classes, viz. : Stallions ; mares and colts, and colts ; matched and single horses; cattle; sheep; swine;