Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/340

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332 GEORGE H. HIMKS. the following list indicates who the exhibitors were and the number of awards they received : Jennings, Berryman .... 1 Latourette, L. D. C 2 Lewis, John 1 Magone, Joseph 2 Moss, Sidney W 4 Machen, John 1 Miller, Samuel 1 Perrin, M. K 1 Rinearson, Peter M 1 Wait, Mrs. Aaron E 1 Weiss, Peter 2 Winston, James 1 Abernethy, William 3 Barlow, J. L 3 Barlow, William ........ 5 Barlow, Mrs. William ... 1 Bunnell, C. B 1 Burns, Miss Laura 1 Chase, H 1 Chapman, A. J 1 Hayes, H. E 1 Howland, Mrs 1 Hunsaker, Miss Araminta 1 Hunsaker, Miss Mary Ann 1 Hunsaker, J. T 2 The Umpqua Valley Agricultural Society was organized late in the summer of 1860, and held its first fair at Oakland, Douglas County, November 2, of that year. In speaking of this event the Oregon Farmer says : Notwithstanding * * * the short time in which the com- mittee of arrangements had to make the necessary prepara- tions, there was a large number of the farmers, with their wives and daughters, in attendance ; and a very commendable degree of interest manifested by all concerned, and all depart- ments of agriculture, as well as many other branches of trade, were handsomely represented in the numerous articles brought forward for exhibition, many of which would compare favora- bly with those of any other county or State in the Union. ' ' Robert M. Hutchinson was president, and J. R. Ellison sec- retary pro tern. A discourse on the subject of "Agriculture," was given by Charles Barrett. Certificates were issued to the following persons for the excellence of their exhibits: Crusan, George W 1 Dierdorff, William 2 Ellison, Mrs 1 Goltra, Mrs. E. J 1 Hall, Dr. Langley 2 Hall, George . 5 Hall, John 2 Handsaker, Samuel 2 Hutchinson, Robert M. . . 1 Long, John 2 McGee, A. E 1 Myers, John H 1 Reed, Resin 1 Scott, Levi 1