Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/355

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On October 4, the last day of the fair, the board of mana- gers held a meeting and a number of complimentary resolu- tions were passed, tendering thanks to various persons for services in aiding to make the effort a success, it having sur- passed all expectations, in almost all directions.

Almost every comment made upon the enterprise was favorable. One party said : "I liked pretty much everything I saw at the fair but the grounds. We must have smoother and better next year, and where we will not have to cross so many rivers."

Another party said: "We all feel proud of the first State Fair in Oregon, but we must learn to begin in time."

After the lapse of forty-six years it is a matter of interest to be able to state nearly the exact spot where the first State Fair was held. It was on the north bank of the Clackamas River, about half a mile from its junction with the Willamette, and about two miles below Oregon City. The area occupied was about four acres, and was upon the land owned at that time by Peter M. Rinearson, a pioneer of 1845. "The ground includes shade trees and the excellent springs on the bank of the river. The river is easily fordable opposite for carriages and horses; a bridge can be used by those who desire it, and boats can land near the grounds. There are good camping grounds with wood and water convenient. For the exercise of horses, trotting, etc., and lady equestrianism, a large field has been enclosed. On the whole, we think the arrangements very good for the exhibition."

It would extend this paper to undue length to give the full list of premiums awarded, hence only the names of the competitors in the several classes are given :

Class I. Wright, King & Co., Ralph C. Geer, Thomas Cross, M. Wilkins, and W. T. Newby.

Class II. Hardin McAllister, F. Shoemaker, E. L. De- Lashmutt, W. T. Newby, J. W. Miller, Cyrus Smith, M. P. Gilliam, John G. Baker, E. Bedwell, J. Sanders, D. J. Coffey, J. Laughlin, M. Fountain, Sanford Wilcox, G. Klingly, Wil- liam Barlow, R. Arthur, Joseph Knott, John Downing, S. and