Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/389

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BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HALL J. KELLEY. 381 Ref. : Kelley 's History of the Settlement of Oregon, p. 126 ; Narrative of Events and Difficulties, p. 76. Applegate, Oliver C. Occasional address. In Oregon Pioneer Association, Transactions, 1903. Portland, 1904. pp. 153-70. Kelley, p. 167. Bancroft, Hobert Howe. History of California. San Fran. cisco, 1886. 7 v. Kelley, III, 409-11 ; IV, 146-7. History of the Northwest Coast. San Francisco, 1886. 2 v. Kelley, I, 205 ; II, 416, 543-59, 566. [Frances Fuller Victor] History of Oregon. San Francisco, 1886. 2 v. Kelley, I, 17, 22-3, 56, 67-70, 73-4, 76-7, 89-97, 99-103, 131, 365, 367, 369. Barrows, William. Oregon: the struggle for possession. Boston, 1884. 363 p. Kelley, p. 81. Boardman, Samuel W. The contribution of the first cen- tury of Middlebury College to Christian progress. In A Record of the Centennial Anniversary of Middlebury College. Cambridge, 1901. 292 p. pp. 32-80. Kelley, p. 52. Bourne, Edward Gaylord. Aspects of Oregon history be- fore 1840. In Oregon Historical Society Quarterly. Salem, 1905. VI, 255-75. Kelley, pp. 260-3, 265-6. Brown, John Howard (editor.) Lamb's biographical dic- tionary of the United States. Boston, 1901. Kelley, IV, 491-2. Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The American fur trade of the Far West. New York, 1902. 3 v. Kelley, I, 434-8, 453 ; II, 792. Clarke, S. A. Pioneer days of Oregon history. Portland, 1905. 2 v. Kelley, I, viii, 269-76, 291-2, 295-300.