Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/394

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386 F. W. POWELL. % Wilson, Joseph R. The Oregon question. In Oregon His- torical Society, Quarterly. Salem, 1900. I, 213-52. Kelley, p. 224. Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history of America. Boston, 1888. Kelley, VII, 559. Wyeth, John B. Oregon ; or a short history of a long journey from the Atlantic to the region of the Pacific by land. Cam- bridge, 1833. 87 p. Kelley, pp. 3-4, 12, 47, 52-3, 57-61, 81, 83. Same. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. In Early West- ern Travels. Cleveland, 1905. XXI, 17-106. Kelley (ed. notes), pp. 10, 24-5, 79. Wyeth, Nathaniel Jarvis. Correspondence and journals, 1831-6. Edited by Frederic George Young. Eugene (Ore.), 1899. 262 p. Kelley, pp. xvii-xviii, 1, 17-8, 30, 36, 39, 43, 50, 51, 90, 250j Young, Frederic George. The Lewis and Clark centennial; the occasion and its observance. In Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly. Salem, 1903. IV, 1-20. Kelley, p. 9. The Oregon trail. In Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly. Salem, 1900. I, 339-70. Kelley, p. 349. Anonymous. History of the Pacific Northwest, Oregon and Washington ; embracing an account of the original discoveries on the Pacific Coast of North America, and a description of the conquest, settlement and subjugation of the vast country included in the original Territory of Oregon. Portland, 1889. 2 v. Kelley, I, 139, 182-5, 214-5, 370. Settlement of the Oregon. In American Traveller. Boston, July 26, 1839. Taken from the Post, which in turn accredits the Centi- nel, and quotes in full "Hall J. Kelley and the Oregon expedition." FRED WILBUR POWELL. 30 Broad Street, New York.