Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/400

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392 DIARY OF ASAHEL MUNGER AND WIFE. % i to my mind was truly grand such as I never saw before went but a little way this afternoon on account of rain. We are hurrying on June 11 for fear of the Shians that they will come and overtake us. Rained most of the night rested well last night, though I have been quite 12, 13 exhausted for several days. Wednes. noon at the spring after a long ride. Thurs. came down to the Platt or near it, but in consequence of the rain a small stream was so high that we were obliged to camp 14 in a very muddy place. Frid. Came to Larimer's [Laramie] Fort about 11 o'clock, forded the river and camped on the flat between the river and the Fort remained through the day. There were 10 men at the fort. 3 of these men had Indian wives they appeared well one could speak some English. E. received a present of a pair of moc- casons. E. made her a present in return. After she had given them she went home and got a new pair, because she had worn the others. These were made very nice. They furnished us with milk while there we bought salt of them for 50 cts for a pint cup full bought 3 cups 15 full. Sat. started early this morning went only about 12 miles to a warm spring which boils out of the bottom of a great hill and yet is warm winter and summer. Camped here for the night on account 16 of rain. Sabbath, a dreary day. oh how we need a Sabbath, our hunters went out to kill game, slaughtered 2 Buffalo and one Elk. either of which had more meat than was consumed. The trust of my soul is in God. I will lean on Him. It is good to get near Him in time of trouble found an excellent plat of grass for camping. 17 Mon. moved on slowly today on account of hills Snow to be seen on the top of a high hill, when the sun is beating down upon us quite 18 hard. Camped early for want of water. Tues. Hilly ground only traveled a short distance. Stopped at a pleasant stream which was very refreshing. E. almost sick for want of light bread. Mr. G. is not willing to have it made. I have looked to God in this case, my soul is troubled. Oh how good [to] trust in Jesus He is near according to 19 his holy promise. Wednes. camped back from the river 14 Indians came into camp this morning, swam the river said they were Shians This day hilly ground producing a little grass, and sage, a kind of shrub which tastes like wormwood, and looks like it only larger. Camped on the Platt a pleasant place. Mr. Johnson came near drowning in attempting to swim the river while bathing providen- 20 tially struck a sand bar and waded out. Thursday made a good march this day 3 o'clock P. M. then ascended a hill and wandered around over hill and valley until half past 6 and only two or three miles ahead to get round a ravine. Crossed a little stream of water and camped on its bank. One of the company went out when our camp was full of meat, several Buffalo having been killed, and most of it left to waste, and shot a large Buffalo because he could. The noble