Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/402

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f 394 DIARY OF ASAHEL MUNGER AND WIFK. ^ since we left the States the snow discoverable on the mountains at so small a distance above the level on which we travel, while we are warm And the coolness of the Atmosphere are the only evidences I can discover of our ascending the mountains There are high hills on our right and left, more particularly on our left. Are now looking 27 for white men to meet us from rendezvous. Thurs. we had a pleasant encampment last night. Had for our supper a roast rib, and now I will tell you where we found it. It was taken from the upper side of the back bone of a Buffalo cow. This is called the hump rib. These ribs extend from before the fore shoulder back about two feet and a half, and run up from the back bone from one and a half to two feet high. This is covered with a kind of meat which is very good. About 10 o'clock this morning we saw for the first time the wind river mountains which are the highest range of mountains, from the vicinity of which, waters run East and west. It is covered with snow we are several days travel from them. Camped on the sweet water about 4 o'clock rather than travel late to another encamping place. All toler- 28 ably well enured considerably to our way of living. Friday Traveled only 8 miles and stopped about 10 o. c. after noon traveled a long distance without water passed a small pond of salt water, saw a large number of Buffalo, at one time were in sight of perhaps 1500 one drove of them were started by some of the hunters, they bent their course towards the river full chase, our company were between them and the river They came very near running through or among our horses or so near as to set our horses running. They looked very wild. This is much to be feared, as horses frequently when frightened by them take after them and are never found. Camped on Sweet water. Traveled most of the day in sight of the Wind river moun- tains. They present a most spendid and beautiful appearance Its high peaks, and the whole covered with snow reflecting the light from the sun, and rising so high as hardly to be distinguished from the white clouds above them, present a grand scenery. Had a blessed 29 season of prayer alone. God was there. Sat. this morning traveled until about 10, stopp'd to rest on SVeet Water. Soon after 12 we moved on through hills and vallies until 5 to a spring. My prayer is this day Oh Lord do thy holy will with us, I desire nothing more than that we may be holy in heart, and pure in all our actions & 30 thoughts. E not very well today her food distresses her. Sab. This day I have had precious communion with God we traveled as usual. Julyl E. had hard head ache. Camped again on Sweet Water. This morn- ing some frightened by two Indian dogs which came into camp found Indians were nigh. Crossed Sweet Water twice halted to rest. E. ate nothing this morning at noon some better head aches yet. After noon had a long march to a spring 6% hours. E. & myself