Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/407

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DIARY OF ASAHEL MUNGER AND WIFE. 399 & Mr. Walker who are the principal men in charge of this Fort Found Mr. Itodgers here from the mission west of the mountains. I returned a horse I received of him at Soda Springs. He would receive nothing for the use of him. Mr. Rodgers went home with me 27 and stayed with me until this (Sat.) morning. Moved our camp down about a mile below Fort Hall for fear the Blackfoot Indiana would steal our horses, or that the Snake or Shoshone Indians would & charge it to the Blackfeet They never come below the Ft to steal. Took Eliza and went up to the Fort and spent the afternoon. The 28 men were drinking very much. Sab. This day is indeed a day of rest. We are alone reading the precious Bible and other books suffer- ing our bodies and minds to rest. How blessed to case all our cares upon Jesus. How blessed to realize the care That Jesus takes of those he loves, When we are tried he knows it all, He listens to the heaving sigh we breathe, Though silent meets his gracious ear above No angry thought no frowning look returns But peace and joy poured into the troubled soul Dispels the fears of those that trust in God. 29 Monday This day we divided our mess, we don't know where we 30 shall be located. Tues. This day I am rejoiced to spend in writing home. I had written over one sheet or more in the afternoon. After dark I got on a strange mule to go in search of our horses, 1 rode about half a mile only, before she rared up, jumped, and kicked until she threw me off and broke my right shoulder. Providentially there was a physician in camp who set the bone free of charge. Aug. 1st, 1839 Thursday, I had commenced copying our journal to send to Dea Goodell had to stop on account of my shoulder. E. has hard labors. Tuesday she washed and lamed her wrists yesterday she had to get her own wood, and climb a steep bank for water. It was too much for her. Providentially I went out a little before night (The day I was hurt) and made a bowery of willows, the sun beats down 2 very warm. Frid. spent most of the day writing part of the time with my left hand, though some with my lame one. it is gaining finely. Sat. 3d Today I finished copying the Journal up to this date to Dea Goodell and finished my letter to mother and gave them to Mr. Richardson to forward to the States, as he with three men is to start to-morrow to return. We have had the privilege of living alone 4, 5 nearly a week. Sab. E. & Myself spent the day alone. Mond. Mr. Griffin offered to help us this morning as we were about to move up near to the fort. We thought it would not be safe for us to remain