Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/409

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DIARY OF ASAHEL MUNGER AND WIFE. 401 provide some place for us to spend the winter where we may be useful. 16 Camped on Snake river. Frid. Camped this evening on the bed of a stieam no running water, though plenty that is standing. E. has taken cold settled in her limbs which renders it tedious for her to 17 ride my shoulder gaining. Sat. rode until 9 this morning before breakfast good water. E. better able to ride than yesterday. Sab. Camped this evening on Snake river or near it, on the opposite side of the river are what are called the Shoots. They are large springs of water shooting out of the rock 50 or 60 ft above the river. A man some years since, in attempting to swim across the river to look at this scene was drowned. Mr. Ermitinger sent to Salmon falls 3 or 4 miles distant and pm chased fresh Salmon. Mon. after riding about one hour we came to the falls here we got a supply of fish to last us to Ft Boysa [Boise.J Here the Indians have built three houses of willows and grass. These are not perpendicular falls, but rapids where they catch fish (which run up into places made for the purpose, with stones) with their hands Stopped for our breakfast on Snake river, under the shade of cedars, very warm, no grass, horses standing much of the time without attempting to find anything to 20 eat. In packing this morning, Mr. E told us to prepare our packs for crossing the river rode only one hour before we came to the crossing place. This is rather a dangerous place, the bottom of the river here is gravel and lies like snow drifts below these piles there would be deep holes, where a hoise must swim or drown if he should get into them. The water was very clear, all arrived safe no accident unfavorable Stopped soon for breakfast. Mr. Ermitinger's hunter shot a duck & a goose, gave the goose to us and Mr. Griffin Camped on standing water this evening grass very dry, had some trouble with fire used my arm rather too much today. 21 Vedncs. Today we have traveled without any road, or trail, drove late, passed the boiling springs today, the water boiled up in several places I should judge it was boiling hot. I had but little time to 22 examine them. Thurs. We have found more vegetation in the valley of the Boysa river than usual camped on its bank, expect to reach the fort tomorrow. I have had some pain for several days this 23 originates from a foul stomach. Friday this day proceeded onwards towards the Fort, saw more cotton wood, though not except on streams no rain the roads very dusty all covered over with dust and eyes filled with it found a good place to rest our horses and ourselves, grass plenty, came in sight of the Fort between 3 & 4. Camped in a field; on a bank of the river near the fort found the people here friendly indeed. Eliza feels almost worn out, and no wonder. But there is one consolation. The Lord designs all our troubles for his glory, and our highest good. I took cold today in