Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/424

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416 ACCESSIONS. % United States Christian Commission, Second Annual Report, for the Year 1863. 8vo. 284 pp. and cover. Oregon State Board of Agriculture, Premium List of Forty-Second Annual Fair, Salem, Sept. 15-20, 1902. 12mo. 84 pp. and cover. State of Oregon, Official Directory of all State and County Officers, Compiled by the Secretary of State, January 1, 1904. 12mo. 16 pp. and cover. (Two copies.) Knights of Pythias, Eeport of Fraternal Correspondent of the Grand Lodge, held at Portland, October 13-14, 1903. 8vo. 42 pp. Standard Oil. Sketch of the operations of the Standard Oil Com- pany, by Harold J. Rowland. Illus. 8vo. 20 pp. and cover. Address of Greeting delivered on behalf of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin to the Washington University State Historical Society, at the Unveiling of Monuments on San Juan Island, Oct. 21, 1904, the Anniversary of the date in 1870 when Emperor William I. of Germany handed down His Decision fixing the Boundary Line be- tween the United States and the British Provinces. By Robert L. McCormick, President State Historical Society of Wisconsin. 8vo. 8 pp. Presented by Mr. McCormick. San Juan Island and Secession. Possible Relation to the War of Rebellion Did General Harney Try to Make Trouble with the English to Aid the Conspiracy? A Careful Review of His Orders and the Circumstances Attending the Disputed Possessions during the Yea;' 1859. By Granville O. Haller, Colonel U. S. A., Retired. (Captain and Brevet Major, Commanding Co. I, Fourth Infantry, and Fort Townsend, Washington, in 1859.) 8vo. 16 pp. Read before the Loyal Legion at Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma, January 16, 1896. (Re- printed from Tacoma Ledger by R. L. McCormick, who presented the publication.) Improved Order of Red Men, Record of the Great Council of, in the United States, Atlanta, Ga., September, 1892. Vol. 9, No. 1. Camden, N. J., 1892. (Presented by Frank C. Baker, Portland.) Standard Oil Company. Statement of Directors to Its Employees and Stockholders, August, 1907. New York: Martin B. Brown Press, 1907. Invertebrate Paleontology of the Texas Cretaceous, A Contribution to the. By F. W. Cragin, under Auspices of the Geological S'urvey of Texas. Austin: Ben. C. Jones & Co., State Printers, June, 1893. 8vo. 295 pp., including 46 plates. Las Vegas, Headquarters of the New Mexico Division of the A. T. & S. E. Railway System, Description of. Edited by Charles W. G.