Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/435

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INDEX TO VOL. VIII. THE NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS ARE PRINTED IN SMALL CAPITALS. Accessions, 85-94, 410-4'24. AITCHISON, CLYDE B., The Mormon Settlements in the Missouri Valley, 276-289. Allyn, Judge, 226. Anderson, Sarah J., 227. ANDERSON, THOMAS M., The Vancou- ver Reservation Case, 219-230. Applegate, Jesse, Professor Schafer's study of life and services of, 80. Baker, Colonel E. D., 249. Barn hart, George, 7. Barnhart, William H., 2-7. Bernier, Marcel, 224. Bird, Charles J., 227. Blanchet, Father, 221 bishop, 224. Bonneville, Colonel, 224. Reuben Patrick Boise," 201-204, 267. Brereton, B. M., "Did Sir Francis Drake Land on Any Part of Oregon?" reviewed by F. G. Young, 406. Brewer, Justice, 229. Brooke, Lloyd, 227. Brouillet, 222. Burke, Daniel, 220. Carter, Louisa, 227. Chamberlain, Francis A., 227. Chinook Language, 245.249. Clarke County, 223. Columbia College, 266. " Occupation of Columbia" (doc.), 51-75; report on, April 15, 1824, 290-294. Comegys, Mr., 269.

  • Professor Thomas Condon," 201-217.

Council Bluffs, 279. Cowlitz Mission, 221. Craft in fighting Indians, 47-49. Crawford, Peter W., 227. " Trade and Currency in Early Oregon," by James Henry Gilbert, reviewed by James R. Robertson, 408-409. Dallas, Major A. J., 225. Davenport, Matty, 7. DAVENPORT, T. W., Recollections of an Indian Agent, 1-41, 95-128, 231-264, 353-374. Deady, Judge Matthew P., 251. Demers, Father, 221. Diary of Asahel Hunger and Wife, 387-405. Dillon, William H., 227. " Did Sir Francis Drake Land on any Part of Oregon ? " by R. M. Brereton, reviewed by F. G. Young, 406. Douglas, James, 23. Eells, Reverend Gushing, 235-236. Eells, Reverend Myron, a statement of, work of and notice of death of, 81-83. Ermatinger. Frank, has charge of Hud- son Bay Company party and aids the Mungers, 396-402. " The Historic Sites in Eugene and their Monuments," by JENNIE B. HARRIS, 261-272. Expenditures, annual, of the different departments of the territorial gov- ernment of Oregon, 151-154. Farnham, at Dr. Whitman's in 1839, 404. Finances of the Territorial Period, 1849- 1859, by F. G. YOUNG, 129-190. Finances, territorial, general conditions affecting, 129-134 ; public spirit affect- ing, 134-188; economic conditions, 138-141. Flippin, the sutler, 9. Floyd, Dr. John, report on the occupa- tion of the Columbia, 1821 (doc.), 51-75. Francis, Simeon, quotation from ad- dress of, 345 ; from editorial of, 350. French Prairie, Mission on, 221. Gaston. Joseph, " Oregon's Inland Em- pire,*' 80. Government policy at the Umatilla Reservation, 4-5. Gray, William H., 227. Gregory, Charles Noble, " Samuel Free- man Miller," reviewed, 406-407. Griffin, J. S., and wife, among mission- aries crossing plains in 1839, 387-405. Hanford, Judge, 229. Harris, Mr., leads company crossing plains in 1839, 390. HARRIS, JENNIE B., The Historic Sites in Eugene and their monuments. 265-273. Hathaway, Major, 220, 280. Henderson, E. P., 266. Henry, Mr. Bachus, the Agency carpen- ter, 9. HIMES, GEORGE H., The History of the Organization of the State Agricul- tural Society, 317-352 ; submits letters of Lincoln (76), Pickett (77), Mc- Loughlin (295). HOLMAN, FREDERICK V., Address of Frederick V. Holman at the Dedica- tion of the McLoughlin Institute at Oregon City, December 6, 1907, 303-316. Holy Angels, College of, 225. Howlish Wampo, wrongly proceeded against, 24-31 ; an orator, 250 ; posses- sions of, 371 Huddleston, 266. Hudson Bay Company, 221-223. Indian Agent, Recollections of an, by T. W. DAVENPORT, 1-41,95-128, 231-264. 353-374. Indians at the Umatilla Reservation, the military outrage in attempt to mete out justice among, 24-36; how the government's policy towards