Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/7

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CONTENTS. SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE Agricultural Society, State, The History of the Organization of. By George H. Himes 317-352 Boise, Judge Reuben Patrick One of Oregon's Foremost Common- wealth Builders.. _ 201-204 Oondon, Professor Thomas One of Oregon's Foremost Commonwealth Builders 201-218 Financial History of Oregon Finances of the Territorial Period, 1849- 1859. By F. G. Young 129-190 Indian Agent, Recollections of an. By T.W. Davenport.1-41 ; 95-128 ; 231-264 ; 353-374 Kelley, Hall Jackson, Bibliography of. By Fred Wilbur Powell 375-386 McLoughlin Institute at Oregon City, Address of Frederick V. Holman at the Dedication of 303-316 Mormon Settlements, The, in the Missouri Valley. By Clyde B, Aitchison , 276-289 Oregon Conditions in the Fifties, Notes from a Government Document on. By Thomas W. Prosch 191-200 Sites, the Historic, in Eugene and their Monuments. By Jennie B. Harris r 265-272 Sites, the Marking of Historic. By F. G. Young.. .. 273-275 Soldier of the Oregon Frontier, A (Joel Graham Trimble). By Will J. Trimble 42-50 Vancouver Reservation Case, The. By Thomas M. Anderson 219-230 DOCUMENTS. Columbia River, Occupation of the Floyd's Report of January 25, 1821. 51-75 Columbia River, Occupation of the, II Report of April 15. 1824- 290-294 Lincoln, Abraham, Letter of, to Simeon Francis, 1860 76-78 Munger, Asahel and Eliza, Diary of. While Crossing the Plains, 1839 387-405 McLoughlin, Dr. John, Letter of, to the Oregon Statesman, June 8, 1852. 294-299 Pickett, George E., Letter of, to Reuben F. Maury 76-78 REVIEWS. Brereton, R. M., Did Sir Francis Drake Land on any Part of Oregon. By F. G. Young 406 Gilbert, James Henry, Trade and Currency in Early Oregon. By James R. Robertson 408-409 Gregory, Charles Noble, Samuel Freeman Miller. By. F. G. Young 406-407 Holman, Frederick V., Dr. John McLoughlin, the Father of Oregon. By Joseph R. Wilson 407 Lord, Mrs. Elizabeth, Reminiscences of Eastern Oregon. By Joseph R. Wilson 300 Meany, Edmond S., Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound. By F. G. Young... 300-301