Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/93

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To January 30. 1907.

Gleanings from the Eecords of the Boston Marine Society, Through Its First Century, 1742 to 1842. Compiled by Nath'l Spooner. Bos- ton: Published by the Society, 1879. 12mo, Cloth, 191 pp.

Twenty Eventful Years of the Oregon Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union, 1880-1900. Statistical, Historical and Biographical. By Mrs. Lucia H. Faxon Additon, National Organizer and Lecturer, State Historian. Gotshall Printing Company, Portland, Oregon, 1904. 8vo, Cloth, 120 pp. Illustrated with numerous portraits. Presented by the Author.

Baptist Annals of Oregon, 1844 to 1900. By Rev. C. H. Mattoon. With an Introduction by Hon. W. Carey Johnson, LL. D. Vol. I. Press of the Telephone-Register Publishing Co., McMinnville, Oregon, 1906. 8vo, Half leather, 464 pp. Copiously illustrated. Presented by the Author and Publishing Committee.

Eighth Biennial Eeport of the State Auditor of Washington to the State Legislature, Session of 1905. Published by Authority. Seattle, Washington. The Metropolitan Press, Inc., 1904. 8vo, Cloth, 410 pp. Presented by H. W. Scott.

McCarver and Tacoma. By Thomas W. Prosch. Lowman & Han- ford Stationery and Printing Company, Seattle, Wash., 1906. Illus. 8vo, Cloth, 198 pp. Presented by the Author. (Mr. McCarver was an Oregon Pioneer of 1843, a man of affairs in many respects, and the founder of Tacoma, Washington, in 1868.)

Cardinal, The. Portland High School Annual. Class number pub- lished by the June Class, 1906. Illus. 8vo, Cloth, 128 pp.

Executive Journal of Iowa 1838-1841, Governor Eobert Lucas. Edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh, Professor of Political Science in the State University of Iowa. Published by the State Historical So- ciety of Iowa, Iowa City, 1906. 8vo, Cloth, 344 pp.

Governors of Iowa, Messages and Proclamations of. Compiled and edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Vol. VII. Published by the State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1905. 8vo, Cloth, 480 pp.

Iowa Biographical Series. Lucas, Eobert; Life of. By John C. Parish. State Historical Society of Iowa, 1907. Illus. 8vo, Cloth, 356 pp.