Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 9.djvu/112

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Notes and News.

The Literary Digest gives a long review mostly made up of a biography of Dr. McLoughlin. Mr. Holman's portrait is printed with those of other authors on the same page. The Literary Digest speaks of Mr. Holman's monograph as "This tribute to the memory of one of the chief upbuilders of the Northwest."

The Portland papers are especially complimentary of Mr. Holman's monograph. The Oregonian said: "Almost reverently we ought to take up this modest, accurate and well-written biography of 'The Father of Oregon.' * * * On the whole, a kindly and appreciative estimate of Dr. McLoughlin is given and much tact is used in treating of certain matters in the chieftain's life over which dispute still lingers. * * * Mr. Holman has not wasted his time speculating on what Dr. McLoughlin should have done when facing specified problems in his career, but has written facts as he found them. * * * Mr. Holman's biography—to sum up—is an important and scholarly contribution to American literature. It will enable young Americans— the fathers and mothers of the great tomorrow—to form a safe and agreeable opinion of a great Oregon patriot and statesman. The book should especially be in every Oregon household."

Portland Sunday Journal:

"In his biography of Dr. John McLoughlin, Frederick V. Holman has given to letters a distinct contribution— a tribute long delayed and now adequately presented of this great, good man. * * * the bitter story of how this land claim at Oregon City was taken from him, how the savings of an honorable lifetime were depreciated, how in darkness, suspicion and defeat his unselfish life closed and the white spirit of the Great White Chief went out to find vindication— this also is told, graphically, unhesitatingly and with keen sympathy."

And referring to the illustrative documents in the monograph, the Journal said:

"A large part of Mr. Holman's valuable work consists of these documents touching every phase of the question and carrying their own conviction. These have never been set before the public in their entirety and in this accomplishment Mr. Holman has performed a valuable and memorable work.