Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 11.djvu/114

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108 Opinion of Wm. D. Fenton "printed and attached to the article on judicial department." (See p. 49, journal.) This is shown by the fact that section 21 as now numbered, is referred to as section 20, and sec- tion 14 referred to in the journal, is section 15 as now adopted. (See journal, p. 72.) The record further shows that Mr. Marple moved to amend section 20 (now section 21), line 4, by striking out all after the word "offices" in line 4, to the end of the sentence, and inserting the words, "to which I may have been elected or appointed during my continuance in office;" and to amend the amendment by adding the words, "and one year after," but the amendments were not adopted. Mr. Boise moved to amend section 2, line 2, by inserting after the word "thereof" the words "who shall be citizens of the United States, and who shall have resided in the state at least three years next preceding their election," which, after its adoption, was upon motion of Mr. Kelly, sought to be recon- sidered; but upon a call of the yeas and nays the convention refused to reconsider the vote or indefinitely postpone the motion, and the amendment as adopted stood and remains in the constitution. Mr. Chadwick moved to amend section 3, line 2, by inserting after the words "four years" the words "one in six years, and one in eight years, and thereafter, one shall be chosen every two years to serve for the term of eight years," but the amendment was not adopted. Mr. Packwood moved to amend section 18, line I, after the word "but" by adding the words "grand juries shall present the"; after the word "delinquency" strike out the word "in" and insert the word "of" ; to the word "office" and the letters "rs"; strike out the word "may" where it first occurs in the second line, and insert the words "which shall." This motion was "disagreed to" as the record awkwardly is written. Thereupon, the article having been fully considered, as he supposed, Mr. Love joy moved that the article on judicial department be engrossed and read the third time tomorrow, but the motion being withdrawn, "Mr. Kelly moved to insert between sections g and 10 the blank section reported by a mem-